Lauren came to Nashville from South Carolina following a passion for supporting underserved populations. She received her undergraduate degree from the College of Charleston in Political Science and a minor in Sociology with a special interest in jail groups and minority issues. Lauren continued her education to earn a Master’s degree in Elementary Education and worked with high risk children for several years.
While working with high risk children, Lauren discovered that family support is a strong indicator for children’s success. Her focus then turned toward the family unit and parents/guardians of high risk children. Later, Lauren worked with the United Way of Metropolitan Nashville helping support many community programs and became acquainted with Nashville’s non-profit agencies and high need areas of the city.
Lauren decided to intern with the General Sessions Probation Department in Nashville which later became her chosen career path. She worked in the Metro Nashville Misdemeanor Probation Department supervising probationers for several years and contributed to writing departmental policy. She was given the opportunity to be the lead Probation Officer for the Cherished HEARTS Human Trafficking Court and became engaged in working with Nashville’s most underserved citizens.
Lauren was offered the position of Program Manager of General Sessions Court and Cherished HEARTS and enjoys providing support to those individuals working to change their life.