Founder & Presiding Judge Rachel L. Bell, shared, “We are one of the Courts in Davidson County looking at different ways to approach alternatives to incarceration and criminal justice reform ensuring the offender takes responsibility for their actions all the while guaranteeing the victim and community are made whole with restitution.
The C.A.R.E. Diversionary Court concept will provide tools to support and foster mutual trust between law enforcement and community members, reduce violent crime, along with the implementation of restorative justice techniques. We will emphasize the ways that crime harms relationships in the community and the need to bring together the people most impacted to resolve it.
The C.A.R.E Diversionary Court will focus on reducing recidivism through the use of individualized justice, case management, victim restitution when needed, community service, letters of apology and peace circles.”
To schedule a C.A.R.E. Diversionary Court Participant Assessment please submit the C.A.R.E. PARTICIPANT REFERRAL APPLICATION by one of the following three ways:
1. Hand Deliver to General Sessions Court Probation Office:
Attention: Carlos DeLeon, Division VIII (8) Clerk – LDeLeon@jisnashville.gov
2. Scan and email to gs8CARE@jisnashville.gov;
3. Contact the C.A.R.E. Court Staff at 615-862-8117:
Ext. #1 for Andrew Dick – AndrewADick@jisnashville.gov
Ext. #6 for Valerie Webb – ValerieRWebb@jisnashville.gov
Please click the buttons below to access the forms:
C.A.R.E. PARTICIPANT REFERRAL APPLICATION ** must be submitted for assessment
C.A.R.E. PARTICIPANT ASSESSMENT & ACCEPTANCE PROCESS ** to understand the step by step process
C.A.R.E. PARTICIPANT REFERENCE SHEET ** one page explanation sheet
Participants should be Ages 18-30 and meet the following criteria to be eligible for entry in the C.A.R.E. Diversionary Court:
• Non-sex crime offender
• Offense committed in Davidson County
• Victim is in agreement for Offender to be assessed for C.A.R.E.
• The Offender is willing to transfer their case(s) one of the following ways, for any of the eligible offenses they have been charged with?
o OPEN agreeing to Bond Conditions; or
o Under-Advisement Guilty Plea; or
o Judgment Deferred Plea, (T.C.A. 40-35-313)
IV. ELIGIBLE OFFENSES ** all other charges will be determined on a case by case basis
Is the Offender charged with any of the following offenses?
- Criminal Trespass
- Possession or Casual Exchange of Controlled Substance
- Public Intoxication
- Reckless Driving
- Speeding over 75 mph
- Resisting Arrest
- Theft of Property
- Unlawful Use of Drug Paraphernalia
- Vandalism
V. C.A.R.E. PHASES (3-12 months)**** All phases include community service, speaker series and peace circle meetings.
PHASE 1 – Engagement (Court and/or Sessions to attend weekly)
• recognizing the need for change; developing an individualized plan; obtain housing & employment; victim/community restitution
PHASE 2 – Development (Court and/or Sessions to attend weekly)
• setting personal goals; maintain housing & employment
PHASE 3 – Healing (Court and/or Sessions Bi-Weekly)
• maintain self-care routine; establish positive lifestyle activities
PHASE 4 – Restoration (Court and/or Sessions Monthly)
• new journey and transition; build independence & financial stability
PHASE 5 – ASPIRE aftercare program ** OPTIONAL
• (6-9 month aftercare program designed to assist the C.A.R.E. graduate with mentorship and guidance in collaboration with other providers and resources to ensure sustainability and individual success.)
• Individualized Case Management & Mentorship:
o Identifying the need for education, job training and employment service providers;
o Identifying the need for adequate housing;
o Identifying access to affordable food options;
o Identifying access to affordable health care;
o Identifying the need for access to alcohol and drug recovery service providers;
o Identifying the need for mental health care service providers and treatment;
o Identifying the need to connect community based services & providers (i.e., housing, driver’s license/reinstatement, childcare, child support and or child care);
o Secure Housing;
o Secure Livable Wage Job;
o Secure Trade/Skill;
o Secure GED or assistance in pursuit of higher education;
o Life Skills and Financial Wellness Classes
• Alternative to Incarceration;
• Accountability & Taking Responsibility for your actions;
• Victim and Community Restitution;
• To graduate in 3-12 months; with adequate housing, livable wage job, financial wellness, and much more!
• Participants that successfully complete ALL C.A.R.E. Diversionary Court mandates will have their CHARGES DISMISSED upon graduation and their RECORD EXPUNGED!
• 1ST & 3RD Thursdays at 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm ** Every 2 weeks depending on the Phase you are in with the C.A.R.E. Diversionary Court Program
The Music City Community Court is located inside the
Bordeaux North Community Justice Center
ADDRESS: McGruder Family Resource Center, RM 23,
2013 25th Ave. North, Nashville, TN 37208